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Rail Investigations

Geotechnical and geophysical investigations are essential tools for the maintenance of existing rail assets and for the construction of new ones. At Whiteford Geoservices we have over 10 years experience of working on rail projects in Ireland in the field of geotechnical assessment of existing structures.

Rail Network Experts

However, our involvement in rail-orientated projects extends more than 20 years.

Over this period we have worked throughout Ireland to provide accurate subsurface information to aid the design of new railway lines, the construction of new bridges and the assessment of existing bridge structures.

We offer the following assessment services to developers and consultants for all forms of rail projects:

Services Include:

  • Inspection pits, trial pits and trenches logged to conform to BS5930 : 2015 requirements.
  • Rotary Drilling and Coring
  • Light Cable Percussive boring, sampling and standard penetration testing
  • Window sampling and limited access Terrier style boring
  • Dynamic probing: Super Heavy, heavy, DCP and MacIntosh methods
  • Geophysical Seismic Refraction surveys to profile soil layers and profile rockhead
  • Geophysical Surface Wave studies to determine Ground Stiffness of subsurface soil and rock strata
  • Geophysical Resistivity Imaging surveys to profile groundwater table and map rockhead variation
  • Service Location surveys to locate and map buried underground cables, pipes, ferrous and non-ferrous structures, using Ground Penetrating Radar and Electromagentic Conductivity. Production of 2D and 3D CAD compatible plans.
  • Bridge Foundation investigation
  • Not destructive testing of bridges


Projects Applicable

  • River environments - construction of new road bridges
  • Ongoing assessment of rail networks structures (bridges, tunnels etc.)
  • Assessment of dismantled railway lines prior to re-conditioning and reinstatement
  • Assessment of masonry arch structures

Start your Rail or Marine project with Whiteford

Contact us now for preliminary advice and further information on how we can assist you with your project.